Source code for domino_data.data_sources

"""Datasource module."""
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, cast

import configparser
import json
import os

import attr
import backoff
import httpx
import pandas
import urllib3
from pyarrow import ArrowException, flight, parquet

import domino_data.configuration_gen
from datasource_api_client.api.datasource import get_datasource_by_name
from datasource_api_client.api.proxy import get_key_url, list_keys, log_metric
from datasource_api_client.models import DatasourceConfig as APIConfig
from datasource_api_client.models import (

from .auth import AuthenticatedClient, AuthMiddlewareFactory, ProxyClient, get_jwt_token
from .configuration_gen import Config, CredElem, DatasourceConfig, find_datasource_klass
from .logging import logger
from .meta import MetaMiddlewareFactory
from .transfer import MAX_WORKERS, BlobTransfer

ACCEPT_HEADERS = {"Accept": "application/json"}
ADLS_HEADERS = {"X-Ms-Blob-Type": "BlockBlob"}

CREDENTIAL_TYPE = "credential"
CONFIGURATION_TYPE = "configuration"

FLIGHT_ERROR_SPLIT = ". gRPC client debug context:"

AWS_CREDENTIALS_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "/var/lib/domino/home/.aws/credentials"
DOMINO_TOKEN_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "/var/lib/domino/home/.api/token"

def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any:
    if name.endswith("Config"):
        return getattr(domino_data.configuration_gen, name)
    raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")

def __dir__() -> List[str]:
    confs = filter(lambda x: x.endswith("Config"), dir(domino_data.configuration_gen))
    return list(globals().keys()) + list(confs)

[docs] class DominoError(Exception): """Base exception for known errors."""
[docs] class UnauthenticatedError(DominoError): """To handle exponential backoff."""
def _unpack_flight_error(error: str) -> str: """Unpack a flight error message by removing extra information.""" try: return error.split(FLIGHT_ERROR_SPLIT, maxsplit=1)[0] except ValueError: return error
[docs] @attr.s class Result: """Represents a query result.""" client: "DataSourceClient" = attr.ib(repr=False) reader: flight.FlightStreamReader = attr.ib(repr=False) statement: str = attr.ib()
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Load and transform the result into a pandas DataFrame. Returns: Pandas dataframe loaded with entire resultset """ return self.reader.read_pandas()
[docs] def to_parquet(self, where: Any) -> None: """Load and serialize the result to a local parquet file. Args: where: path of file-like object. """ table = self.reader.read_all() parquet.write_table(table, where)
@attr.s class _Object: """Represents an object in a object store.""" datasource: "ObjectStoreDatasource" = attr.ib(repr=False) key: str = attr.ib() def http(self) -> httpx.Client: """Get datasource http client.""" return self.datasource.http() def pool_manager(self) -> urllib3.PoolManager: """Get datasource http pool manager.""" return self.datasource.pool_manager() def get(self) -> bytes: """Get object content as bytes.""" url = self.datasource.get_key_url(self.key, False) res = self.http().get(url) res.raise_for_status() self.datasource.client._log_metric( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.datasource.datasource_type, len(res.content), False, ) return res.content def download_file(self, filename: str) -> None: """Download object content to file located at filename. The file will be created if it does not exists. Args: filename: path of file to write content to. """ url = self.datasource.get_key_url(self.key, False) content_size = 0 with self.http().stream("GET", url) as stream, open(filename, "wb") as file: for data in stream.iter_bytes(): content_size += len(data) file.write(data) self.datasource.client._log_metric( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.datasource.datasource_type, content_size, False, ) def download(self, filename: str, max_workers: int = MAX_WORKERS) -> None: """Download object content to file with multithreaded support. The file will be created if it does not exists. File will be overwritten if it exists. Args: filename: path of file to write content to max_workers: max parallelism for high speed download """ url = self.datasource.get_key_url(self.key, False) with open(filename, "wb") as file: blob = BlobTransfer(url, file, max_workers=max_workers, http=self.pool_manager()) self.datasource.client._log_metric( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.datasource.datasource_type, blob.content_size, False, ) def download_fileobj(self, fileobj: Any) -> None: """Download object content to file like object. Args: fileobj: A file-like object to download into. At a minimum, it must implement the write method and must accept bytes. """ url = self.datasource.get_key_url(self.key, False) content_size = 0 with self.http().stream("GET", url) as stream: for data in stream.iter_bytes(): content_size += len(data) fileobj.write(data) self.datasource.client._log_metric( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.datasource.datasource_type, content_size, False, ) def put(self, content: bytes) -> None: """Upload content to object. Args: content: bytes content """ url = self.datasource.get_key_url(self.key, True) res = self.http().put(url, content=content) res.raise_for_status() self.datasource.client._log_metric( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.datasource.datasource_type, len(content), True, ) def upload_file(self, filename: str) -> None: """Upload content of file at filename to object. Args: filename: path of file to upload. """ url = self.datasource.get_key_url(self.key, True) with open(filename, "rb") as file: res = self.http().put(url, content=file) res.raise_for_status() content_size = os.path.getsize(filename) self.datasource.client._log_metric( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.datasource.datasource_type, content_size, True, ) def upload_fileobj(self, fileobj: Any) -> None: """Upload content of file like object to object. Args: fileobj: bytes-like object or an iterable producing bytes. """ url = self.datasource.get_key_url(self.key, True) res = self.http().put(url, content=fileobj) res.raise_for_status()
[docs] def load_oauth_credentials() -> Dict[str, str]: """Load oauth token from sidecar container or local file. Returns: .. code-block:: python {CredElem.TOKEN.value: "token"} Raises: DominoError: if the provided location is not a valid file """ token_url = os.getenv(DOMINO_API_PROXY, "") if token_url: try: jwt = get_jwt_token(token_url) except httpx.HTTPStatusError: logger.opt(exception=True).warning("Failed to get token from sidecar container API") else: return {CredElem.TOKEN.value: jwt} location = os.getenv("DOMINO_TOKEN_FILE", DOMINO_TOKEN_DEFAULT_LOCATION) try: with open(location, encoding="ascii") as token_file: return {CredElem.TOKEN.value: token_file.readline().rstrip()} except FileNotFoundError as exc: raise DominoError("Token file location is not a valid file.") from exc
[docs] def load_aws_credentials(location: str, profile: str = "") -> Dict[str, str]: """Load AWS credentials from given location and profile. Args: location: location of file that contains token. profile: profile to load. Returns: .. code-block:: python { CredElem.ACCESSKEYID.value: "access_key_id", CredElem.SECRETACCESSKEY.value: "secret_access_key", CredElem.SESSIONTOKEN.value: "session_token", } Raises: DominoError: if the provided location is not a valid file """ location = location or AWS_CREDENTIALS_DEFAULT_LOCATION aws_config = configparser.RawConfigParser() if not aws_config or not aws_config.sections(): raise DominoError("AWS credentials file does not exist or does not contain profiles") profile = profile or aws_config.sections()[0] return { CredElem.ACCESSKEYID.value: aws_config.get(profile, "aws_access_key_id"), CredElem.SECRETACCESSKEY.value: aws_config.get(profile, "aws_secret_access_key"), CredElem.SESSIONTOKEN.value: aws_config.get(profile, "aws_session_token"), }
[docs] @attr.s class Datasource: """Represents a Domino datasource.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes auth_type: str = attr.ib() client: "DataSourceClient" = attr.ib(repr=False) config: Dict[str, Any] = attr.ib() datasource_type: str = attr.ib() identifier: str = attr.ib() name: str = attr.ib() owner: str = attr.ib() _config_override: DatasourceConfig = attr.ib(factory=Config, init=False, repr=False) _httpx: Optional[httpx.Client] = attr.ib(None, init=False, repr=False)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dto(cls, client: "DataSourceClient", dto: DatasourceDto) -> "Datasource": """Build a datasource from a given DTO.""" return cls( auth_type=dto.auth_type.value, client=client, config=dto.config.to_dict(), datasource_type=dto.data_source_type.value,,, owner=dto.owner_info.owner_name, )
[docs] def http(self) -> httpx.Client: """Singleton http client built for the datasource.""" if self._httpx is not None: return self._httpx context = httpx.create_ssl_context() if self.datasource_type in ( DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.ADLSCONFIG.value, DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.AZUREBLOBSTORAGECONFIG.value, ): self._httpx = httpx.Client(headers=ADLS_HEADERS, verify=context) elif self.datasource_type == DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.GENERICS3CONFIG.value: self._httpx = httpx.Client(verify=False) # nosec else: self._httpx = httpx.Client(verify=context) return self._httpx
[docs] def pool_manager(self) -> urllib3.PoolManager: """Urllib3 pool manager for range downloads.""" if self.datasource_type in ( DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.ADLSCONFIG.value, DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.AZUREBLOBSTORAGECONFIG.value, ): return urllib3.PoolManager(headers=ADLS_HEADERS) elif self.datasource_type == DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.GENERICS3CONFIG.value: return urllib3.PoolManager(assert_hostname=False) else: return urllib3.PoolManager()
def _get_credential_override(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Gets credentials override by merging service overrides and user overrides""" credentials = {} if self.auth_type == DatasourceDtoAuthType.OAUTH.value: credentials = load_oauth_credentials() if self.auth_type in ( DatasourceDtoAuthType.AWSIAMROLE.value, DatasourceDtoAuthType.AWSIAMROLEWITHUSERNAME.value, ): credentials = load_aws_credentials( os.getenv(AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE, ""), getattr(self._config_override, "profile", ""), ) credentials.update(self._config_override.credential()) return credentials
[docs] def update(self, config: DatasourceConfig) -> None: """Store configuration override for future query calls. Args: config: specific datasource config class """ self._config_override = config
[docs] def reset_config(self) -> None: """Reset the configuration override.""" self._config_override = Config()
[docs] @attr.s class TabularDatasource(Datasource): """Represents a tabular type datasource."""
[docs] def query(self, query: str) -> Result: """Execute a query against the datasource. Args: query: SQL statement to execute Returns: Result entity wrapping dataframe """ return self.client.execute( self.identifier, query, config=self._config_override.config(), credential=self._get_credential_override(), )
[docs] @attr.s class ObjectStoreDatasource(Datasource): """Represents a object store type datasource."""
[docs] def Object(self, key: str) -> _Object: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Return an object with given key and datasource client.""" return _Object(datasource=self, key=key)
[docs] def list_objects(self, prefix: str = "", page_size: int = 1000) -> List[_Object]: """List objects in the object store datasource. Args: prefix: optional prefix to filter objects page_size: optional number of objects to fetch Returns: List of objects """ keys = self.client.list_keys( self.identifier, prefix, page_size, config=self._config_override.config(), credential=self._get_credential_override(), ) return [ _Object( datasource=self, key=key, ) for key in keys if not key.endswith("/") ]
[docs] def get_key_url(self, object_key: str, is_read_write: bool = False) -> str: """Get a signed URL for the given key. Args: object_key: unique identifier of object to get signed URL for. is_read_write: whether the URL should allow writes or not. Returns: Signed URL for given key """ return cast( str, self.client.get_key_url( self.identifier, object_key, is_read_write, config=self._config_override.config(), credential=self._get_credential_override(), ), )
[docs] def get(self, object_key: str) -> bytes: """Get object content as bytes. Args: object_key: unique key of object Returns: object content as bytes """ return self.Object(object_key).get()
[docs] def download_file(self, object_key: str, filename: str) -> None: """Download object content to file located at filename. The file will be created if it does not exists. Args: object_key: unique key of object filename: path of file to write content to. """ self.Object(object_key).download_file(filename)
[docs] def download(self, object_key: str, filename: str, max_workers: int = MAX_WORKERS) -> None: """Download object content to file located at filename. The file will be created if it does not exists. Args: object_key: unique key of object filename: path of file to write content to max_workers: max parallelism for high speed download """ self.Object(object_key).download(filename, max_workers)
[docs] def download_fileobj(self, object_key: str, fileobj: Any) -> None: """Download object content to file like object. Args: object_key: unique key of object fileobj: A file-like object to download into. At a minimum, it must implement the write method and must accept bytes. """ self.Object(object_key).download_fileobj(fileobj)
[docs] def put(self, object_key: str, content: bytes) -> None: """Upload content to object at given key. Args: object_key: unique key of object content: bytes content """ self.Object(object_key).put(content)
[docs] def upload_file(self, object_key: str, filename: str) -> None: """Upload content of file at filename to object at given key. Args: object_key: unique key of object filename: path of file to upload. """ self.Object(object_key).upload_file(filename)
[docs] def upload_fileobj(self, object_key: str, fileobj: Any) -> None: """Upload content of file like object to object at given key. Args: object_key: unique key of object fileobj: A file-like object to upload from. At a minimum, it must implement the read method and must return bytes. """ self.Object(object_key).upload_fileobj(fileobj)
[docs] @attr.s class BoardingPass: """Represent a query request to the Datasource Proxy service.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods datasource_id: str = attr.ib() query: str = attr.ib() config: Dict[str, str] = attr.ib() credential: Dict[str, str] = attr.ib()
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Serialize self to JSON.""" return json.dumps( { "datasourceId": self.datasource_id, "sqlQuery": self.query, "configOverwrites": self.config, "credentialOverwrites": self.credential, } )
[docs] @attr.s class DataSourceClient: """API client and bindings.""" domino: AuthenticatedClient = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) proxy: flight.FlightClient = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) proxy_http: AuthenticatedClient = attr.ib(init=False, repr=False) api_key: Optional[str] = attr.ib(factory=lambda: os.getenv(DOMINO_USER_API_KEY)) token_file: Optional[str] = attr.ib(factory=lambda: os.getenv(DOMINO_TOKEN_FILE)) token_url: Optional[str] = attr.ib(factory=lambda: os.getenv(DOMINO_API_PROXY)) def __attrs_post_init__(self): flight_host = os.getenv(DOMINO_DATASOURCE_PROXY_FLIGHT_HOST) domino_host = os.getenv( DOMINO_API_PROXY, os.getenv(DOMINO_API_HOST, os.getenv(DOMINO_USER_HOST, "")) ) proxy_host = os.getenv(DOMINO_DATASOURCE_PROXY_HOST, "") client_source = os.getenv(DOMINO_CLIENT_SOURCE, "Python") run_id = os.getenv(DOMINO_RUN_ID, "") "initializing datasource client with hosts", flight_host=flight_host, domino_host=domino_host, proxy_host=proxy_host, ) self._set_proxy() self.proxy_http = ProxyClient( base_url=proxy_host, api_key=self.api_key, client_source=client_source, run_id=run_id, token_file=self.token_file, token_url=self.token_url, timeout=5.0, verify_ssl=True, ) self.domino = AuthenticatedClient( base_url=f"{domino_host}/v4", api_key=self.api_key, token_file=self.token_file, token_url=self.token_url, headers=ACCEPT_HEADERS, timeout=20.0, verify_ssl=True, ) def _set_proxy(self): client_source = os.getenv(DOMINO_CLIENT_SOURCE, "Python") flight_host = os.getenv(DOMINO_DATASOURCE_PROXY_FLIGHT_HOST) run_id = os.getenv(DOMINO_RUN_ID, "") self.proxy = flight.FlightClient( flight_host, middleware=[ AuthMiddlewareFactory( self.api_key, self.token_file, self.token_url, ), MetaMiddlewareFactory(client_source=client_source, run_id=run_id), ], )
[docs] def get_datasource(self, name: str) -> Datasource: """Fetch a datasource by name. Args: name: unique identifier of a datasource Returns: Datasource entity with given name Raises: Exception: If the response from Domino is not 200 """"get_datasource", datasource_name=name) run_id = os.getenv(DOMINO_RUN_ID) response = get_datasource_by_name.sync_detailed( name, client=self.domino, run_id=run_id, ) if response.status_code == 200: datasource_dto = cast(DatasourceDto, response.parsed) datasource_klass = cast( Datasource, find_datasource_klass(datasource_dto.data_source_type) ) return datasource_klass.from_dto(self, datasource_dto) error_response = cast(ErrorResponse, response.parsed) message = ( f"Received unexpected response while getting data source: {response}" if error_response is None else error_response.message ) logger.exception(message) raise Exception(message)
[docs] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, UnauthenticatedError, max_time=60) def list_keys( self, datasource_id: str, prefix: str, page_size: int, config: Dict[str, str], credential: Dict[str, str], ) -> List[str]: """List keys in a datasource. Args: datasource_id: unique identifier of a datasource prefix: prefix to filter keys with page_size: number of objects to return config: overwrite configuration dictionary credential: overwrite credential dictionary Returns: List of keys as string Raises: Exception: if the response from the Proxy is not 200 UnauthenticatedError: if the request has invalid authentication """"list_keys", datasource_id=datasource_id, prefix=prefix, page_size=page_size) response = list_keys.sync_detailed( client=self.proxy_http, json_body=ListRequest( datasource_id=datasource_id, prefix=prefix, page_size=page_size, config_overwrites=APIConfig.from_dict(config), credential_overwrites=APIConfig.from_dict(credential), ), ) if response.status_code == 200: return cast(List[str], response.parsed) if response.status_code == 401: raise UnauthenticatedError error = cast(ProxyErrorResponse, response.parsed) logger.exception(error) raise Exception(f"{error.error_type}: {error.raw_error}")
[docs] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, UnauthenticatedError, max_time=60) def get_key_url( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, datasource_id: str, object_key: str, is_read_write: bool, config: Dict[str, str], credential: Dict[str, str], ) -> str: """Request a signed URL for a given datasource and object key. Args: datasource_id: unique identifier of a datasource object_key: unique identifier of key to retrieve is_read_write: whether the signed URL allows write or not. config: overwrite configuration dictionary credential: overwrite credential dictionary Returns: Signed URL of the requested object. Raises: Exception: if the response from the Proxy is not 200 UnauthenticatedError: if the request has invalid authentication """"get_key_url", datasource_id=datasource_id, object_key=object_key) response = get_key_url.sync_detailed( client=self.proxy_http, json_body=KeyRequest( datasource_id=datasource_id, object_key=object_key, is_read_write=is_read_write, config_overwrites=APIConfig.from_dict(config), credential_overwrites=APIConfig.from_dict(credential), ), ) if response.status_code == 200: return cast(str, response.parsed) if response.status_code == 401: raise UnauthenticatedError error = cast(ProxyErrorResponse, response.parsed) logger.exception(error) raise Exception(f"{error.error_type}: {error.raw_error}")
def _log_metric( self, datasource_type: str, bytes_processed: int, is_read_write: bool, ) -> None: """Log metric about file size being processed. Args: datasource_type: type of datasource bytes_processed: count of read or written bytes is_read_write: whether used for read or write """ mode = LogMetricM.WRITE if is_read_write else LogMetricM.READ type_map = { DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.ADLSCONFIG.value: LogMetricT.ADLSCONFIG, DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.GCSCONFIG.value: LogMetricT.GCSCONFIG, DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.GENERICS3CONFIG.value: LogMetricT.GENERICS3CONFIG, # noqa DatasourceDtoDataSourceType.S3CONFIG.value: LogMetricT.S3CONFIG, } type_ = type_map.get(datasource_type) if not type_: return try: log_metric.sync_detailed( client=self.proxy_http, t=type_, b=bytes_processed, m=mode, ) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception(exc)
[docs] def execute( self, datasource_id: str, query: str, config: Dict[str, str], credential: Dict[str, str], ) -> Result: """Execute a given query against a datasource. Args: datasource_id: unique identifier of a datasource query: SQL query to execute config: overwrite configuration dictionary credential: overwrite credential dictionary Returns: Result entity encapsulating execution response Raises: DominoError: if the proxy fails to query or return data """"execute", datasource_id=datasource_id, query=query) try: self._set_proxy() reader = self._do_get( BoardingPass( datasource_id=datasource_id, query=query, config=config, credential=credential, ).to_json() ) except (flight.FlightError, ArrowException) as exc: logger.exception(exc) raise DominoError(_unpack_flight_error(str(exc))) from None return Result(self, reader, query)
@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, flight.FlightUnauthenticatedError, max_time=60) def _do_get(self, ticket: str) -> flight.FlightStreamReader: return self.proxy.do_get(flight.Ticket(ticket))